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Reference: Observability System

Network Connection Metrics

Each client of Turms will provide metrics related to the network connection. Developers can get the metrics through turmsClient.driver.connectionMetrics. This object contains the following data:

Data point nameUnitMeaning
addressResolverTimemillisecondsThe domain name resolution time.
turms-client-js does not provide this data
connectTimemillisecondsFor non-turms-client-js clients, this data refers to the time spent in TCP handshake;
For turms-client-js clients, this data refers to the total time of domain name resolution, TCP handshake, TLS handshake, and establishment of WebSocket connection
tlsHandshakeTimemillisecondsTLS handshake time.
turms-client-js/swift does not provide this data
dataReceivedbytesFor non-turms-client-js clients, this data refers to the number of data bytes received by the TCP connection;
For turms-client-js clients, this data refers to the bytes of the binary frame received by the WebSocket connection
dataSentbytesFor non-turms-client-js clients, this data refers to the number of data bytes sent by the TCP connection;
For turms-client-js clients, this data refers to the bytes of the binary frame received by the WebSocket connection

Business Request Metrics